WIRED collected the winners of the Royal College of Art�s Green Concept Car competition. As they say:
Practicality is the last thing anyone considers when designing concept cars. A car made of glass? Windows like gun slits? �But practicality isn�t the point. Concept cars are flights of fantasy carrying auto design into the future. Since our future will be a place where a gallon of gas costs more than a gallon of Scotch, the students at Royal College of Art designed their cars that run on things like electricity and algal fuel.�
These are some of the most imaginitive and forward-thinking designs we�ve ever seen. Lots of people try to do advanced concepts, but some of these are off the moon. The above car was designed by Paul Howse � its a �luxury� car called the Enigma, and its electric motors would be solar-powered. Oh, and the passenger compartment uses �magnetic levitation� to lift and separate it from the rest of the car.
Holy crap, it makes that Minority Report Lexus look like an AMC Gremlin.
Check the link to see them all; they�re all worth a gander. Some are made of cloth, others have living room-inspired interiors that have high levels of IKEA-like customization possible. Beautiful.
Below is the winner of the Best Design Interpretation Award at the Pilkington Automotive Vehicle Design Awards. Frenchie Pierre Sabas� Airflow has wheel-mounted electric motors and is made entirely of glass.

Practicality is the last thing anyone considers when designing concept cars. A car made of glass? Windows like gun slits? �But practicality isn�t the point. Concept cars are flights of fantasy carrying auto design into the future. Since our future will be a place where a gallon of gas costs more than a gallon of Scotch, the students at Royal College of Art designed their cars that run on things like electricity and algal fuel.�
These are some of the most imaginitive and forward-thinking designs we�ve ever seen. Lots of people try to do advanced concepts, but some of these are off the moon. The above car was designed by Paul Howse � its a �luxury� car called the Enigma, and its electric motors would be solar-powered. Oh, and the passenger compartment uses �magnetic levitation� to lift and separate it from the rest of the car.
Holy crap, it makes that Minority Report Lexus look like an AMC Gremlin.
Check the link to see them all; they�re all worth a gander. Some are made of cloth, others have living room-inspired interiors that have high levels of IKEA-like customization possible. Beautiful.
Below is the winner of the Best Design Interpretation Award at the Pilkington Automotive Vehicle Design Awards. Frenchie Pierre Sabas� Airflow has wheel-mounted electric motors and is made entirely of glass.

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